
As a board-certified holistic nutrition consultant, I work with clients to support all kinds of health needs. But I have a particular affinity for and experience providing nutritional consulting for neurodiversity and mental health. I work with families to provide nutritional support for autism, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.

My Story

My daughter was diagnosed with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at age 7. She is a bright, creative, artistic person with behavioral and emotional regulation challenges. She is very hyperactive and struggles with boundaries and transitions. Not getting her way can lead to major tantrums. We looked to many modalities for support: occupational therapy for sensory processing difficulties, chiropractic, homeopathy, herbs, and a gluten-free dairy-free low-sugar diet. All of these methods helped calm her to some extent. But I could tell something was still off with her biochemistry.

So we had some testing done. Genetic profile, stool test, hair mineral analysis, and organic acids. I learned a lot from the results! At the top of the list is a couple of problematic genes. One makes it harder for her body to clear the excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine, and another interferes with sulfur metabolism and processing certain antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables called phenols. Other tests revealed high oxalates (a natural compound found in certain foods), elevated aluminum (a toxic metal that affects brain function) and an imbalance in her gut bacteria.

We set to work on a process of trial and error. We definitely needed to detox the aluminum and support her microbiome with probiotics and herbs, but because of her genes detoxification is hard for her. Her body has a hard time clearing things and the process often makes her symptoms worse. So we had to take it really slow. Our holistic nurse practitioner also recommended a number of nutritional supplements that were supposed to help, but these were also hard for her body to process for the above reasons.

Eventually we cut out the supplements completely. She is currently on a low-oxalate, low-phenol (limited red and purple-colored fruits and vegetables) and low-sulfur diet and doing really well. We still rely on occupational therapy, sensory activities and positive behavior support. But her ability to self-regulate is like night and day from when things were the most challenging.

Nutritional consulting for neurodiversity

I am not a medical doctor and do not claim to be able to diagnose, treat or “cure” any medical condition, including neurological conditions. But I can offer nutritional support for the management of symptoms of autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression. I can help you discover underlying biochemical factors that affect behavior, emotional regulation and mood. I can make supportive food and nutrient recommendations based on your own unique biochemistry. Also I can help identify problematic foods to avoid.

Mental health issues and mood disorders like anxiety and depression often have an underlying nutritional component. I can recommend targeted amino acids to help support neurotransmitter function and help regulate moods.

My sessions include meal planning, recipes, recommendations, educational handouts, and follow-up. Please visit my contact page to connect with me and find out more about the services I offer!

©️ 2021 Angie Spinelli